Thursday 21 May 2015

Virtual Private Server

Virtual Private Server is also known as virtual dedicated server. As Virtual Private Server is a virtual machine that is purchased by the client organisation from the internet hosting company. Client organizations take Virtual Private Server as dedicated/private server as it is installed on the physical computer and runs multiple operating systems. Virtual Private Server has its own operating system, which allows clients to install any software that can run on it.

Benefits of Virtual Private Server are:
  • It fulfils all the need of the clients in the same way as the separate physical computer manage in case of dedicated to a particular user.
  • Virtual Private Server performs same functions as a normal physical computer.
  • Many Virtual Private Servers can be installed on a single physical server and each one can have its own operating system.
  • For the purpose of blogging and E-commerce it can have Web server software, a FTP program and many other types of application software.
  • Virtual Private Server provides its clients with super-user privileges in the operating system. And much more.

Monday 11 May 2015

Dedicated Servers

As the name suggest Dedicated Servers is the server which is exclusively dedicated to a single customer unlike the shred hosting where many customers are put on a single server. In Dedicated Servers the company have full control over the server and they can take decision with respect to which operating system or hardware is to be used. This is considered as more flexible than shared hosting, as it is a type of internet hosting in which the client leases entire server.

In Dedicated Servers the clients are given special rights on their server bandwidth, storage space, and memory. The performance of the Dedicated Servers is not affected by the traffic and handling of the other customers.

When one purchases a Dedicated Servers then one gain a dedicated IP address, full control on the server usage which also includes software installation, and access to server as the admin (root). As in Dedicated Servers the client lease a server box that is configured and set up as per the preferences of the client and it remains with the service provider company.

Dedicated Serveris of great importance to the business organisations that are operating very high traffic websites or applications which require high visibility and steady productivity such as database management, traffic incentive website or gaming servers who want to increase visibility through bandwidth.